10 January 2021: Morning Star:
A GROUP of asylum-seekers at an ex-army camp in Kent have vowed to sleep outside in sub-zero temperatures until the Home Office moves them to more suitable accommodation.
Five residents launched the desperate action on Friday in protest against long delays in processing their asylum claims and the squalid conditions at Napier Barracks, Folkestone.
It came as the site, which has been used as a temporary facility to hold up to 400 men since September, was hit by another apparent suicide attempt.
Campaigners told the Morning Star that the man was taken to hospital where he received medical treatment. The reports have not yet been confirmed.
It would mean that at least three people have attempted to take their own lives at the camp, where men are kept behind barbed-wire fences in shared rooms holding around 15 people each.
Medical staff, human rights groups, lawyers and campaigners have made repeated calls for the ex-military site to close, citing major concerns for asylum-seekers’ physical and mental well-being.