ATD Fourth World UK

“Now, more than ever, it is imperative to ensure that the most vulnerable of us are protected. Those in immigration limbo are overlooked, unsupported and left to struggle; the COVID 19 pandemic once again shows the fragility of their existence and we call for them to receive the care and attention we all deserve, not just now, but always.

“Although we are glad to see some public policy measures being taken to mitigate the impact of Covid-19 on people in deep poverty, we are reminded that it is only on the ground that it is possible to measure that impact and to understand whether policies are actually reaching their intended beneficiaries. Expertise by experience is essential to getting the response right, as demonstrated by this Open Letter.”


This is not Irene

Irene (not her real name) came to the UK in 2013, brought here as his maid by her rich Saudi employer. Her pay was only £200 per month working long hours every day 7 days a week. She looked after 5 children as well as doing all the house- work. She escaped from her employer one day and has stayed in the UK without documentation.

She got a job as a carer for a couple who were both severely ill – the man had a brain tumour and the woman had breast cancer. Irene looked after them for many years until the main died from the tumour.

Continue reading “Irene”

Immigration changes affecting domestic workers from abroad

Hundreds of thousands of Filipinos live in the UK and thousands are employed in frontline health services and care work. Many others, including undocumented workers, have jobs in domestic work, cleaning, hotels and other private sector services.

The COVID19 pandemic is wreaking havoc in our community in the UK. This shrine is to honour all those who have lost their lives, who will be remembered forever.

Members of the Filipino community are invited to contact us if you would like your loved ones to be included in this shrine

ILPA: 5.4.2012: Overseas Domestic Workers
On 6 April 2012, the Immigration Rules relating to overseas domestic workers will change. This information sheet provides information about the changes.

Continue reading “Immigration changes affecting domestic workers from abroad”

Why do people need Leave to Remain now

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Open Letter to UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Irish Taoiseach Leo Varadkar is calling on both governments to create access to health and safety for all. People can sign the petition, just launched, HERE.  


The Open Letter, which has been signed by 65 organisations in the UK and Ireland (see ‘Organisation Signatories’ list for updates), says it is imperative that everyone’s basic needs are met during the current Covid-19 pandemic and the only way to ensure this happens is by giving Leave to Remain to all refugees and migrants both inside and outside of the asylum and immigration system.

Continue reading “Why do people need Leave to Remain now”

Status Now 4 All – this is our call

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27 March 2020 An Open Letter to the Prime Minister of the UK and the Taoiseach of Ireland

We call upon the British and Irish States to act immediately so that all undocumented, destitute and migrant people in the legal process in both the UK and Ireland are granted Status Now, as in *Indefinite Leave to Remain. In this way every human, irrespective of their nationality or citizenship can access healthcare, housing, food and the same sources of income from the State as everyone else.

[*The word ‘Indefinite’ was added to the call in our second letter, dated 27 March 2021:]

This is the letter in full below – we have not yet received an answer:

Continue reading “Status Now 4 All – this is our call”


Updated 19 August 2022: Privacy International: Privacy International files complaints against GPS tagging of migrants in the UK

Privacy International files complaints with two regulators against the UK Home Office’s use of GPS ankle tags to monitor migrants, a seismic change in surveillance of individuals in the UK.

Privacy International (PI) has today filed complaints with the Information Commissioner (ICO) and Forensic Science Regulator (FSR) against the UK Home Office‘s use of GPS ankle tags to monitor migrants released on immigration bail. This policy and practice represents a seismic change in the surveillance of migrants in the UK. PI was first alerted to this scheme by organisations such as Bail for Immigration Detainees, an independent charity that exists to challenge immigration detention in the UK.

Read more:

February 2021: Privacy International: Introduction
[…] Below, we try to provide a rough guide to how the UK’s borders, immigrations, and citizenship system tracks and spies on people, and which companies profit. The first section briefly outlines the main departments and units involved. It then describes various databases which are used to process immigration data, track people through the borders, immigrations, and citizenship system, or which are relevant because they enable forms of surveillance by law enforcement or immigration authorities. These are referred to for the purposes of this guide as the “back-end” systems.

The following section then describes surveillance and tracking tools available to officers and agencies themselves, referred to here as the “front-end” tools. A section on international operations which are used to support surveillance in the UK is provided, followed by a list of relevant other resources.

Read the report

See linked later post: See linked later post 26 May 2021:

and another linked post: 2 June 2021: