End the virus of racism

28 April 2021: Aljazeera: Racism on the frontline: Britain’s Asian healthcare workers

Racist abuse of Asian healthcare workers is reportedly on the rise as they risk their lives in the fight against COVID.

Read more here: https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2021/4/27/under-fire-on-the-frontline-britains-asian-healthcare-workers

See also the petition below

Help us End the Virus of Racism:

End the Virus of Racism collaborated with ESEA community leaders, academics and migrants to respond to the report from the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities. We condemn the outcomes of the report. Read the full statement here

It’s a growing issue: A victim of hate crime was told “you guys are the virus” as she walked through central London, following a spike in hate crimes against people of east and south-east Asian descent since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic.

End the virus of Racism petition:

We ask for the UK Home Secretary Priti Patel to call for a zero-tolerance policy to racism, following the three-fold increase in hate crimes towards east and southeast Asian people during the coronavirus crisis.

Sign the petition here: https://www.endthevirusofracism.com/petition