6 March 2024: Politico: Looking tough on migration is eroding human rights
Curtailing migrant rights may help score quick political gains, but electoral success doesn’t give governments carte blanche to place themselves above the law.
Europe’s insistence on looking tough on migration is endangering rule of law across the Continent.
Pursuing ever more stringent asylum and migration policies, European countries are not only perpetuating human rights violations against asylum seekers and migrants; they are also dismantling collective human rights safeguards, as well as eroding wider legal and democratic checks and balances that protect all our rights.
The upcoming adoption of the United Kingdom’s Safety of Rwanda Bill, currently working its way through the House of Lords, is perhaps the starkest illustration of this dangerous trajectory.
Read more: https://www.politico.eu/article/looking-tough-on-migration-is-eroding-human-rights/