Reminder: Date for your diary – 21 September 2021: Are you an asylum seeker, refugee or a supporting organisation in Scotland? If yes, please join us for this tenancy participation event.
MigrationUK, Scottish Asylum and Refugee Action Group, Status Now 4 All (Scotland) and Tenancy Participation Advisory Service (Scotland) are inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
TOPIC: Scottish Housing Forum for Asylum Seekers and Refugees: Tenancy Participation
Tony Kelly, Tenancy Participation Advisory Service (Scotland)
Asylum Seekers and refugees with lived experience on housing issues
Peer group representatives
Support services
Sep 21, 2021
06:30 PM London
About this event: The aim is:
- To establish a Scottish Housing Forum for asylum seekers, refugees and their supporting services;
- To develop strategies for a coordinated and seamless approach to efficiently work with housing providers and related services;
- To share information and good practices for supporting asylum seekers and refugees on housing issues;
- To train asylum seekers, refugees and service providers on housing rights and responsibilities, and related immigration law and policy;
- In partnership with the Tenancy Participation and Advisory Service Scotland (TPASS), to train asylum seekers, refugees and service providers on tenancy participation.
Read more here: