The Historical Roots of the Windrush Scandal

26 September 2024: Independent report : Historical Roots of the Windrush Scandal: independent research report

‘What this history tells us, above all, is that individual episodes or events do not happen in chronological isolation. Government departments operate in societies with long and complex histories which affect both the formulation and also the effects of policy. In the case of the Windrush Scandal, the ‘hostile environment’ policies implemented in the 2010s did not consider properly the people whose lives and heritage have been defined by the events described in this report.’

Executive summary: Learning lessons from history

This report tells two stories alongside one another. The first story it tells is that of the administration of what might loosely be called ‘immigration policy’ in the United Kingdom, in which the movement of people across the borders of the British Isles was periodically restricted and controlled. The second story it tells is that of the history of black people and other ethnic minorities in Britain, whose lives were profoundly shaped by the politics of race in the British Empire and, latterly, the United Kingdom.

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NGOs refuse to be complicit in removals

JCWI: 34 UK and international NGOs write joint letter to Home Office warning of dangers of making NGOs complicit in removing migrants from the UK

This is a letter signed by STatusNow4All: In September 2024, the UK Home Office published a contract – it’s offering to pay NGOs in the UK and abroad millions of pounds to help it take people away from their communities and remove them from the UK.

This contract is dangerous, and deeply unethical. Along with 33 other organisations in the UK and overseas, we wrote to the Home Secretary, rejecting this attempt to make NGOs complicit in the Government’s anti-migrant agenda.

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Demonstration to end immigration detention on 19 October 2024

17 September 2024: from our network members – Right to Remain and No To Hassockfield demonstration on 19 October 2024 – to end immigration detention

STOP PRESS – These Walls Must Fall and the No to Hassockfield campaign call for the national demonstration to end immigration detention on 19 October 2024 at Hassockfield/Derwentside

We call on our communities to join us to say no to immigration detention and the government’s detention expansion plan!

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Call for simpler routes to regularisation for undocumented migrants

Via our signatory organisation, Migrant Voice:

3 September 2024: Migrant Voice: Please find below the letter that was sent to Yvette Cooper

The reasons people become undocumented can be varied, and are often through no fault of their own. People who have lived in the UK for decades, people with families and friends, people just living their lives, stripped of their residence status overnight for the simplest of things.

Together with more than 80 other organisations, and with more than 145 signatories in total, we have written an open letter to the Home Secretary to implement policies which make it easier for people to secure a recognised status.

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Women fleeing rape face coercion and control by Home Office contractors

3 September 2024: Guardian: Women fleeing rape face coercion and control by Home Office contractors

Survey says refugee women are subjected to voyeurism and sexual harassment by male staff at hotels

Women who have fled rape, forced marriage and sexual exploitation are being subjected to coercion and control by Home Office contractors in hotels, according to new research.

The charity Women for Refugee Women has carried out the first research specifically focusing on the experiences of women in Home Office asylum seeker hotels. The researchers include seven women who have previously lived in such accommodation.

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