27 September 2021: Here is the Motion submitted by Sevenoaks Constituency Labour Party [CLP] to the Labour Party Conference taking place right now. The Motion did not make it onto the list for discussion because there were other issues that people prioritised. It is however heartening to see that our concern is shared in that forum and we encourage Party members to use the motion in their own CLPs, Trades Unions etc for discussion:
The Motion reads: Racial Justice and Migrant Rights
This CLP notes:
- Structural racism exists.
This CLP believes:
- The Labour Party must seek to dismantle structural racism and campaign for racial justice in the UK and around the world.
- The more unequal a society, the greater the reliance on a carceral system.
- Successive governments have exploited the labour of migrants while failing to acknowledge the contribution of migration to our economy, culture, and society.
This CLP resolves that the Labour Party must:
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