Enabling Nurse Daisy

Updated 21 January 2023: Another beautiful day as we stand in solidarity with the women incarcerated at the Derwentside IRC aka Hassockfield detention centre.

We were joined by students from Durham university – this tells us our call to shut down this centre is gaining momentum. We had senior member from Durham and a politician that spoke strongly against this establishment. It was peaceful and the police were there but did not have work very hard.

We spread the word that calls for the abolishment of the use of detention centres. Women in detention centres must be released and rehoused in the community. It is with deepest regret that a democratic country like Great Britain has become the worst in Europe in respect of the treatment of asylum seekers – reforming the policies particularly the ones that evil-spirited Priti Patel introduced will be the way forward.

Now we call on Suella Braverman to stop dreaming and face the reality that incarcerating asylum seekers in detention centres does not paint a better image for the country.

Abolish the detention of migrants.

The MP for Durham also contributed to our call for the Derwentside IRC to be shut down. It is against humanity to put women under strenuous situations of detaining them.

Updated 29 December 2022: Moses reports: Today 28/12/2022, we mark the first anniversary since the first woman was detained at Dewentside IRC in county Durham.

Women are placed under very appalling conditions and are often treated very badly. The Hassockfield/Derwentside Immigration Removal Centre was rated to be inadequate and we demand that the centre be closed down.

We went to the local MP’s office but we found it closed. We left a letter for him to see that we strongly and firmly demand the closure of Derwentside IRC. It is inhumane in this twenty first century to see women treated in this way. We are happy that ITV News helped us to spread our call for this place to be totally closed down. There are bad memories associated with this place, and the people of Durham agree to this call.

Updated 20 December 2022: Another day a successful duty, at Hassockfield/Derwentside Detention Centre for women.

The Government is still punishing the innocent victims of torture, rape, slavery, organised marriages etc. As we gather at the gates of the site, we demand the government hear us, listen to us and give us hope, hope that will set all these women free. The women have seen enough already, Why do we subject them to another inhumane ordeal?

Please Rishi Sunak and Suella Braverman, release the poor innocent souls so they can be valuable to our country. We demand Derwentside Removal Centre be closed down together with all detention centres across the country.

We will stand in solidarity with the women incarcerated for the crimes they do not know or understand. Alita continua…….!

Updated 15 October 2022: Today at Hassockfield Immigration Removal Centre, calling for the closing down of Hassockfield (aka Derwentside)

Daisy and Moses continue to support the campaign to close Hassockfield/Derwent and attend demonstrations there on a regular basis.

Updated 17 August 2022: From Moses C Mbano: In the highest temperatures of the United Kingdom since records began: Walk for Freedom event 13-14 August 2022 organised by ZHRO.org.uk

The walk was to start from Brighton Pier ending at Hampton Court in London covering a distance of 100km on foot. On Friday 12/08/2022, my wife, our son and I set off from Newcastle-upon-Tyne travelling to Brighton.

Saturday 13/08/2022 was a big day this year for all Zimbabweans to demonstrate and show our commitment as we stand in solidarity with all fellow Zimbabweans from all corners of the world. Our prime aim is to bring change to our country, to make the ruling party, Zanu pf do the right thing and allow for the transition of power into the hands of the opposition party.

I left at 10:00 in the morning. We had a long drive and the temperatures peaked; it was a sweltering day, cars breaking down on the road, trucks and buses alike. The congestion was unbearable as the heat baked us. I was very tired, so was everybody that travelled. All the water, drinks and juices we carried became hard to use as they were very warm.

We want free and fair elections in Zimbabwe by 2023. I want to see Zanu pf suffering heavy losses through ballot papers so every Zimbabwean can celebrate another Independence.

About 21:50 that same day we finally arrived in Brighton to meet up all participants in the Walk for Freedom the following day. I and my family are very dedicated to this cause and 2023 is the year that will put a smile on our faces, when we see Zanu pf packing their bags.

On the morning of 13/08/2022, I could not wake up on time and we overslept. We were extremely tired so much so that none of us heard the phones ringing. We became two hours behind the schedule but eventually managed to track down others that had left already. It was not easy. John Burke the organiser risked waiting along the road in the sweltering heat until I and my son managed to catch up with him. The three of us followed behind every body hoping to catch up with them at Devils Dyke, one of the chosen resting place.

After few hours of walking we met with all the other participants, the basic necessities were also there – we had ice cold water, fresh fruits and some corn. Aunty Chipo is always the best on the logistic team, and she boosted our morale as we sang and danced, and some tourists were taking pictures and videos of us. It was intriguing. We set off from Devils Dyke and followed the path winding down a very steep slope, cautious to avoid falling down the hill we cut our way into the valley and disappeared into the farms.

Surely this cause will bear very good fruits for Zimbabwe – to become the bread basket of Africa as its been empty for many years. There shall be great ululation, singing and dancing for Independent Zimbabwe. We urge all citizens to register to vote and guard their votes as freedom is coming 2023.

We had some resting stops before we met with the logistics team at Christ Hospital Station. I drank water like never before. At Christ Hospital station I drank over five litres of water, so did other participants and so big thanks to John Burke who followed us at every stop to give us water and fruits. At Christ Hospital we were given food, water and drinks. The next stop to meet up with the logistics was Guildford in Surrey.

The sun set and it was good the temperature dropped. We walked in the darkness the whole night. My feet had blistered so badly. I felt like I had some pins puncturing my feet, it was painful. I had chances to drop out and take a ride in the car, but kept telling myself that ‘nothing good comes easy’, so I kept going.

By sunrise we had covered a large swathe of area, and around 08:00 of Sunday 14/08/2023 we were back in the baking heat. It was tiring and we were walking along – communities, dog walkers , morning runners and cyclists were everywhere. It was good to see them as all of us had a common goal, vying to achieve.

I want to set my country free from the clutches of Zanu pf which is led by ED Mnangagwa. We want a change of governance in Zimbabwe. We want new ideas that can take us up on the world stage. My motherland Zimbabwe.

Along the rivers, canoeing and boating was good scenery as we were now almost at the end of our Long Walk to Freedom. It was an excruciating experience, my neck was stiff and shoulders rigid as I carried a back pack with some weight in it. Out of the corner of my eye, there appeared Hampton court bridge at some distance. It was a sigh of relief, our pace suddenly increased, we were sure the job has been done. There was great happiness upon arriving at the finishing spot, the logistics team was there to meet us taking pictures as we finally threw ourselves on the pavement of Hampton Court Station.

Zanu pf must go as we urge all the people of Zimbabwe to register to vote for the 2023 presidential elections.

I want to thank all the participants, the organisers of this event, the logistics team and all the people that raised our spirits to keep up walking until to the end. Zimbabwe will be free in due course. My son has never been in Zimbabwe but he fights for his country without rest. My wife Daisy is also very supportive and want to see Zimbabwe transitioning.

Together Zimbabweans we will make a difference, lets all go and vote. My vote your vote counts for one Zimbabwe.

Updated 16 July 2022: Moses at Hassockfield

Updated 29 June 2022: Daisy and Moses re: Hassockfield/Derwentside IRC and the removal of women for deportation to Nigeria and Ghana

Daisy: I am sad 😢 to say another group of women are boarding a flight ✈️ to Nigeria, a country which they fled from https://fb.watch/dYmJpDgVyu/

… in Hallmark coaches.

Moses: We have gathered at the Hassockfield IRC now knwn as the Derwentside IRC here in Durham. A number of women are to be deported to Nigeria today. Another hostile environment displayed by the British government. SET HER FREE slogan is chanted as we stand in solidarity with the affected women.

Skermishes at the Hassockfield known today as Derwentside immigration removal centre. We were outnumbered, the police presence was too much against our low turnout. The buses drive in now to pick detainees to be deported to Nigeria. Its painful.

Updated 27 June 2022: Moses at Hassockfield/Derwent Immigration Removal Centre: on 26 June 2022.

Today the Activist family gathered at the Derwentside Immigration Centre in Durham. We came to stand in solidarity with the women detained in this appalling manner. Our main focus this time is that there are a number of women due to be deported to Nigeria on the 29th June 2022.

This demonstration is an emergency call by the Activist family in the North East. It is inhumane for the Home Office to exercise these removals. These women are seeking protection and sanctuary here in Britain. To see women locked up is the most difficult and painful thing to comprehend.

We want to see these facilities used for recreational purposes rather than locking people up. It is shame on our Government to put people in detentions.

SET HER FREE – we will continue chanting this slogan until victory is final.

Updated 15 June 2022: Photos from Brook House demonstration

Moses says: At Brook House IRC, Gatwick, the turnout was extra-ordinary. I witnessed people demonstrating strong opposition to the Rwanda deportation. We all worked tirelessly to try and send a strong message to Downing Street to stop offshoring people to Rwanda. It is a success that the Conservatives’ ideology get binned, as it is toxic and inhumane.

No borders, No nations – asylum seekers are welcome here….!

outside Brook House Immigration Removal Centre
outside Brook House IRC

NEAR – North East Against Racism

Photos from last night’s NEAR demo showing solidarity with refugees and asylum seekers and to oppose the government’s horrific plans to deport refugees to Rwanda. All power to the individuals and organisations that stopped last night’s flight. When we fight together, we can win ❤️✊Photos thanks to Davy Ellis

Newcastle demonstration
Moses speaking at the Newcastle demonstration

People gather at Grey’s Monument in protest against Government’s plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda

People came together at Grey’s Monument to show that they strongly disagree with the Government’s Rwanda plan, branding it “inhuman and insane”

Moses speaking at Grey’s Monument (via Chronicle Live)

Read more: https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/newcastle-protest-against-rwanda-plan-24228026

Updated 14 May 2022: No to Hassockfield: Set Her Free

Daisy says: Waw Waw Waw, what an amazing day with you lot. Thank you so much, it was lovely meeting you all. But most amazing is that all the speakers were seriously on top form. It was definitely something to reckon with, the turnout was just phenomenal.

It is such a time as this that rewrites history. It’s a time for the Government to realise that people are never going to stop talking. This is not the time to turn away, but a time for reconciliation.

The British Government needs to understand that Britain is what it is today because of so-called ‘immigrants’. If you accepted us then when, why not now!!!

Durham was on fire 🔥 🔥🔥🔥🔥 today.

I need Priti Patel to understand this: if I am an immigrant so is she … if I have to be deported, then the same rules applies to her. The messages today were about the reality experienced by individuals under these harsh and oppressive rules.

People are expressing their pain.


Updated 7 May 2022: Moses speaking today

Updated 23 April 2022: Daisy was protesting here today: Newcastle protests RECAP: Police at Monument as opposing groups hold demos

[Full report here: https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/newcastle-protest-live-police-monument-23764721 ]

Daisy writes: We had a very successful Saturday as we gathered at the Monument here in Newcastle. Our group North East Against Racism had so many people that came to support our cause. A group of fascists also turned up in opposition to our agendas but they dismally failed and began to disperse slowly until all of them just disappeared in thin air.

I thank all the people from across our society who want to live in a society that is inclusive, regardless of colour, ethnicity or gender. Racism has and still will keep on destroying our communities unless we all stand against fascist sentiments.

Priti Patel must realise that she must respect the will of the people and abandon the Rwandan plan of of sending asylum seekers abroad. Refugees are humans and they need warm welcome so they can contribute positively to the economy of the country.

Our house holds are so constrained: bills are pilling up, and food on the tables is dwindling. The government of Boris Johnson must tackle this problem and slash energy bills and oil prices rather than partying alone.

Updated 19 March 2022: From Moses: Hassockfield/Derwent Immigration Detention and Removal Centre in Durham housing women: We want this establishment to be closed down. It is inhumane to see or witness women being subjected to an environment that is not conducive to their dignity.

This Tory government is unleashing disgraceful treatment in relation to the lives of these detained women. We stand today in solidarity with the affected women inside Hassockfield immigration prison

This is Home Office information about this IRC: https://homeofficemedia.blog.gov.uk/2021/11/23/factsheet-derwentside-immigration-removal-centre/

Updated 27 February 2022: Giving voice to Daisy on parenting, deportation, and protest

Sometimes it’s not even about the number of people attending but it’s about raising awareness and making an impact to people’s lives. People in detention centres are always aware that we stand in solidarity with them. I am proud to stand against this cruel act that the home office have unleashed upon our friends. 

I make a DISCLAIMER that, as British Citizen, I am not advocating for crimes to be committed in our community without consequences, in actual fact I am a person who wants peace beyond measure, and for justice to reign. However, as we all know this might be too much to ask in a civilised country…. The uncertainty of life itself becomes a stumbling block for generations to come, hence these protests and demonstrations are giving some glimpse of hope for future generations. 

We are aware that the British justice system is not just; the system itself has become more of a joke than anything, more and more corrupt everyday; lies and deception have destroyed peace among us as a people. 

Not so long ago when the scandal of recent deportations of “criminals” commenced, everyone was quick to judge these so called criminals without a full examination of the stories behind the deportation. On the flip side there was so much at stake for families that were left in limbo, kids that were left fatherless or motherless in the process.

Some of our children who came to the country as kids are being used as foreign currency, part of a deportation deal, exchanged for a dollar in someone’s pocket. These youngsters have made mistakes, served their dues, turned a new leaf, but they still find themselves, being double-punished, returned to a country where they know absolutely zero. 

Where is the justice in this Priti Patel?

Ms Home Secretary, I direct this to you as a foreign mother with a child of colour: Would you be you happy to deport your child if they commit a crime? Would you be happy to label them a rapist, murderer and all the other harsh words used addressing the issue of deportation?

Think about this: as a foreign parent in a foreign land, it seems that some processes are set up just for the benefit of the agency, not the family, especially where Social Services is concerned. A system that constantly looks for problems instead of creatively working together with parents has already failed, and our children are also failed, especially those who are then threatened with deportation as a result..

Bringing up a child has never been an easy task but it becomes more challenging when everything you do is monitored and watched on CCTV, and someone is judge your parenting skills 24/7, even if there nothing to watch. It is destructive to us as parents when we cannot look after our children without wondering what social workers will criticise next, and the consequences are massive. 

*Voicing this from the lived experience of being subject to the system of Social Services*: the fear of losing your kids is real, and makes parents very afraid of setting a foot wrong, and this does not help the family. This fear can prevent parents from asking for help, and I know because it resulted in the passing away of my daughter … but hey this this life, as the saying goes ” life goes on”, pick yourself up, dust your feet, and carry on 😓, after-all you have 3 more kids to care for” … What a joke…

Coming to live in the UK we find that we are not allowed to treat our children as we know best, and this disables us as parents. When our children need discipline we are threatened with prison or losing them to the care system, and without the structure that we want to provide for them, some of these children grow up to commit crimes, and so now we have 19 and 20 year olds facing the cruel and harsh reality of deportation. How that that be right?

What justice is there if you can’t live in your home without peace, because you don’t know what tomorrow holds for your family? 
What justice is there if your entire life depends on being monitored as if you live in the big brother house?

As a parent we need to take responsibility for the behaviour of our children, and absolutely, as a parent you will always live with “what if things had been different”, but we need to live within a fair and just system where every child has an equal opportunity for everything, despite their complexion, their skin tone or their background – wherever they come from.  If a white boy across the street is able to get help to rehabilitate to the community, why is it not the same for a black, Asian, Chinese etc boy across the same street, after all this is the only place he calls home. Why is he instead getting a plane ticket to a country he calls foreign

My Voice: we need change. Let’s fight this fight together, let’s go out and raise banners without fear. The government is loudly advocating for protest and demonstrations to be stopped “as they are a public nuisance” – they are aware of the power of solidarity, they want to silence this because that way they can manipulate everyone easily. 

We don’t proclaim peace until PEACE prevails. SOLIDARITY 

Thank Daisy 

Updated 25 February 2022: Wednesday demonstration against the deportation flight ✈️ for 2nd of March 22

Updated 19 February 2022: Another successful protest against women detention

This was today in front of Durham detention were there is currently 18 women inside. This is so sad in this period of time for people to live caged like animals. We need good coverage on this so that we can expose the abuse of system in the UK.

Updated 13 February 2022: Event: Saturday 19 February at Hassockfield 12-2pm.

Daisy says: Let’s join in the movement of stopping women detention.

These are mothers, sisters, friends, wives and they are deprived of their human rights by the system. Let’s stand for what is right by turning up and making noise until the government turns a ear 👂 to our plea. They need our support now more than ever, this hostility towards women is unacceptable. Let’s empower each other by showing solidarity. One voice for all….

From Friday afternoon 11 February 2022, in Newcastle for KILL THE BILL.

The demonstrations were a success and the turn out was amazing. The pressure is on, let’s all make the same noise together, it is our right as British citizens to be allowed to protest freely without infringement to our rights. If not for us let’s leave a history for our children so they can be able to vocalise their rights without being afraid. The government is trying to silence the voices of people by this bill, I refuse to be silenced, let’s all stand up and refuse together, let’s make a legacy that our kids will be proud of. No to oppressive rules. “Freedom of speech is a basic human right”…the Bill is an attack on freedom of speech and the fundamental human right to protest. Priti Patel described protesting as “ unacceptable, Thuggery and disorder”, this is very disturbing, also displays a lot about the Home Secretary’s lack of understanding, very little if any respect for Human Rights that she observes.

Updated 10 February 2022: Photos from the demonstration yesterday:

Updated 7 February 2022: This gentleman was detained this week and his flight is booked for the 11th of February.

Let’s go out and show support. The home office is not intending to stop anytime soon, but our voice can make a difference and make a change to their barbaric stunts.

Updated 17 January 2022: Agnes, and Moses speaking on 15 January 2022 at Hassockfield

See also: https://statusnow4all.org/concerns-about-the-use-of-army-barracks/

Updated 16 November 2021: Signatory organisation ZHRO – Zimbabwean Human Rights Organisation held a demonstration on 11 November 2021, and a petition was delivered to 10 Downing Street: UK must hold Ed Mnangagwa accountable for human rights violations.

Moses explains: A petition was created by a number of human rights groups together with opposition parties of Zimbabwe here in the United Kingdom. The petition was to highlight our concerns as Zimbabweans, to the international community why the leader of our country was invited to the Cop26 meeting in Glasgow.

We all met at the Zimbabwean embassy on the 11 November 2021 as planned. At 13:30 we started off for 10 Downing Street and upon arrival the people chosen to deliver the petition went through the black gates of number 10 Downing Street at 14:00hrs. As someone who was and is still affected by the brutal regime led by Mnangagwa I stand in solidarity with human rights groups in opposing world Governments who do business with Mnangagwa, who is a murderer.

StatusNow4All stand today unhindered to tell the British government to stop deporting people back into the mouth of a crocodile teeth Mnangagwa and his rouge Zanu-PF cronies. I am very much of an activist who is fighting not only for myself but all the people brutalised, murdered and gang raped raped by their Governments. I am a family man and cannot forcibly be removed from United Kingdom to Zimbabwe. Together with many people in the same situation I stand and demand status for all so that I can be able to work for my family and also to fight further for other people to get status to live and remain in this country.

Updated 17 September 2021: Moses and Daisy invite you to join the walk: ‘It’s on, this Saturday the 18th!, another 24 mile walk in Pickering, let’s show support and zeal in stopping these deportations flights.’

“Together we stand very strong. The deportations will surely end, cracks are beginning to show up within the inner court of the Government. STOP DEPORTATIONS once and for all for the better of the country. Come to all to Pickering. Lets do the walk in our big numbers until victory is final…Alutta continua….!”

[ZHRO@ZHRO_Zimbabwe https://hansard.parliament.uk/Lords/2021-07-22/debates/5A3C065C-6638-46A1-B4D5-727466583109/ZimbabweHumanRights… Lord Chidgey (LD) “My Lords, to come back to the assessment of the situation and consultation before decision to deport, in April, the US State Secretary, Antony J Blinken, assessed Zimbabwe as one of the worst countries abusing citizens’ rights]

We all need to meet up in the Eastgate Car Park – YO18 7AS
Aim to be there for 9:00AM Saturday 18th September.
It’s a short walk into Pickering Town where we will start
There is a very short return walk at the 1 mile marker – to return past Pickering Castle.
There is a second “return point at 7.5 miles (15 mile return)
Both will need the mapping software to guide you back to Pickering.
For those who want to “support” in their car we have 3 meeting
1) Lockton Village at 8.38miles
2) Hole of Hockum Viewpoint car park at 12.86miles (half way)
3) And the Fox and Rabbit pub on the return home at 18.5miles

Post Codes (approximate)
1) Lockton Church YO18 7PY
2) Hole of Horcum YO18 7NR
3) Fox and Rabbit YO18 7NQ
Approx driving times all from East Gate Car Park
1) Lockton Church – 10 minutes drive approx 2.5 hours walking
2) Hole of Horcum – 15 minutes drive – 4 hours approx
3) Fox and Rabbit Pub 7 minute from East Gate or 8 minute from the Hole of Horcum (
returning back to Pickering.
Approx walking time 6-7 hours

Updated 2 September 2021: Update from Moses: I was at the Zimbabwe Embassy with my son and we sat on the door entrance. These idiots tried to come out of the embassy but I refused unless they speak to me. They threatened to break my banner but I warned them of the serious consequences so they stood there. The old man said why didn’t I have a face mask but I said he was a gross hypocrite, that people are dying like locusts in Zimbabwe while he tries some stupid health lectures in England. I told them they are murderers who survive drinking Zimbabwean peoples blood. I chanted change will finally come to Zimbabwe and they will all rot in jail.

Updated 25 August 2021: from Daisy: Myself, Moses and kids did this walk as a way of raising awareness of the chatter flights, our cause have actually been successful with up to 100,000 views on Zimeye, To us this is more than enough to get people on board for the government to listen 👂to our cry 😭

Updated 22 August 2021: Update from Daisy: ‘They did it’:

Walk for Freedom https://fb.watch/7xWHhHRYIC/

This is where they are at this morning. Well done Moses, even though you are not well you still went out and about to complete 110km walk Waw, am proud of you 👏 kudos to you and all the crew x

· On our last leg if the walk. It’s been hard going but not as hard as those whose Human rights we are fighting for.

Updated 21 August 2021: more news from this amazing family – Daisy writes:

Hello everyone, we are in Brighton today doing the 110km Walk for Freedom from Brighton to London, Big shout out to these little children of mine, 9 hrs in I am giving up and they are eager to go. Am amazed and feel so blessed to have them in my life honestly. The 11 year old is refusing to stop he wants to get to London. As I text he has disappeared with the group as am struggling to get up hills …

… and later: these kids have walked just over 38km today and I think it’s something to reckon with, the determination of them to have their father not deported. Not forgetting A. is only 11 years old and S. is 16, to say am proud it’s an understatement, am in tears as I write this because I am proud of them.

Updated 12 August 2021:“Let’s all, at once, enhance our fight against this despicable institutional racism and let’s advocate…”

Updates from newly released Moses and from Daisy:

Hello everyone, my name is Moses Cmbano.

I want to thank you guys out there for the wonderful support you gave me inside the detention centre. As you are aware that I left the detention centre on Tuesday to join with my lovely family here in Newcastle.

The torment that I endured during my time inside Colnbrook was unbearable: I was fed saltless and tasteless meals; I was locked up for the night at 20:30 and unlocked at 08:00 in the morning; I drank water from a tap that gave me a runny tummy; my body became so itchy that I was scratching my whole body; I thought I was going mad; I requested to see the doctors but it was refused; up to right now my throat is sore, my chest crackles and I feel this tiredness that I fall asleep the moment I sit down.

I felt like I wanted to smash the walls with my head. I was afraid I might suffer hallucinations. The entire period was like a road to hell. The ignorant and uncaring behaviour I was subjected to began to make me feel that I was no longer a human being. Life became meaningless to me. I was afraid my life was wasting away in the hands of reckless people in the pay of the Home Office and their security companies who are sub-contracted to dehumanise all detainees. My brain became shuttered by the events that took place inside the detention. My heart was sore, but you guys gave me the resilience: I remembered that I have a job to do, to fight against these inhumane behaviours that the home office is unleashing upon us.

My beautiful wife Daisy stood by me all along and you guys at STATUSNOW4ALL leveraged her and you all gave your all, in support of my release.
I do not have enough words to thank you people but the war against charter flights is not yet over. We stand for a good cause and together victory is certain. I left about six Zimbabweans still detained and I cried to leave them behind, knowing the torment that they are going through. Let’s all, at once, enhance our fight against this despicable institutional racism and lets advocate strongly to stop all these so called ‘charter flights’.
Yesterday, Thursday, I woke up early in the morning because I am used to being woken up that early. My wife prepared breakfast because we were preparing to go into our city, Newcastle, for the demonstration, but I said “No,” to food, l just want us to go and raise this awareness. We have the duty to fight against charter flights and we want immigration laws to be overhauled. Change is our slogan so, ladies and gentleman, I do not have enough words to thank you once again for your comradeship throughout my entire time in the detention. I want to thank all of you and please let’s keep up the fire burning…..

Daisy Writes… Our demonstration was supported by Northeast against Racism (Yunus and his beautiful wife Rachel). They brought their microphone and speaker which we were thankful for. We were also joined in the protest from the BAME society (Josephine Mudzingwa Siziba and her husband). Massive support from them, thank you 🙏. We had interest from different groups that approached us, requesting that for our next protest they would like to be informed, on time, so they can prepare to come along. This was really good. Towards the end of the protest we had lots of people standing around and asking questions. No one out there was aware of these deportations, so lots of folks were actually shocked about the charter flights and the expenditure that is involved. So Priti Patel, get ready we are coming for you with all that we have. If God is in our side who can be against us?

We are standing, STRONG IN SOLIDARITY 🤙🤙 from our success but, on the other hand there were several calls today about people that have been taken today when signing at the police station.

Updated 10 August 2021: Enabling Nurse Daisy will be at the Newcastle Monument within the city centre of Newcastle at 11am, Postcode: NE1 7AL, supported by https://www.northeastagainstracism.co.uk/

Updated 10 August 2021: We welcome the news that Moses’ application for bail yesterday was granted, and he is reuniting with his family.

Updated 8 August 2021: Message from Daisy’s Moses, from detention: “Tomorrow 09/08/2021 at 1200hrs is my immigration bail hearing via video link. I know I am nervous just like anyone in a situation like this. I want to thank all of you out there for the support and the kindness you have given to my family. You kept me energised in this battle and because of you we shall prevail.

My beautiful wife Daisy has done amazingly in rallying all the parties together to fight for this cause that benefits not only me but many people caught or trapped in a situation like mine. Let’s all together pray for STATUSNOW4ALL as there must be a change in in the immigration law in the UK. We have to stop the flights once and for all. So my comrades, let’s pray for tomorrow that it ends there. “

StatusNow logo

Our thoughts are with you Daisy, Moses and family.

We are also reminded of the impacts of the immigration system on UK families, including British children, as referenced in two reports launched through BID in June 2021: https://www.biduk.org/articles/845-reports-highlight-the-harms-faced-by-uk-families-threatened-with-a-family-member-s-deportation

New StatusNow statement: “Shoulder to shoulder – everywhere – until deportations stop and statusnow4all starts” https://statusnow4all.org/shoulder-to-shoulder-everywhere-until-deportations-stop-and-statusnow4all-starts/

Updated 4 August 2021: Hi all, Moses has been given a bail court date for Monday next week, praying for positive outcome.

Hallelujah glory to the all mighty God, we have seen Moses, he looks lean but hey he is alive, it was an emotional visit. Half of the visit was just tears. We were told no hugs and maintain social distancing when sitting. Try tell that to kids who haven’t seen their dad in a month and a wife who so dearly misses her other half. I couldn’t help but feel so empty and helpless as we left him behind. This is mental torment honestly. His face says it all, sense of feeling lost. Few medical concerns but all not bad.

Updated 3 August 2021: Update from Nurse Daisy: So this is the latest update, over the past week we been trying to arrange a visit to see Moses, which appeared to be a challenge.

At first Moses was informed only one person can visit per family even though their voice mail suggests otherwise. Moses was able to speak to the person in charge of visits and explained the situation of having 3 kids, the lady was happy to allow us to visit (verbal agreement). Which was good, the only challenge left was the scheduled times that detention holds on visiting times considering we will have to travel 6-8hours to get to London.

Fast forward to now, Moses has since been moved to long stay section – this has created yet another challenge as they have turned around to say visiting can only be booked via email, I have been sending emails to no response.

Now we have travelled all the way to London stuck at a train station with three kids. We been here since 6:30am, no where to go. Our plan was to visit Moses this morning check in a hotel at 13:00hrs, now we are frustrated that we might not even see Moses after the long journey. Also that we haven’t seen him for nearly a month now…#😡😡😡# sounfairtothekids, as they were looking forward to this visit.

Updated 22 July 2021: “The home office actions taken leading up to the forced removal of 14 people last night demonstrate the depth of contempt and indifference of it’s parliamentarily elected leaders towards both the concept and the practice of equal human rights. By the same token the solidarity and resilience that underpinned the actions taken to defend those rights offers hope. We will never give up until equal human rights are enjoyed by all.” Rhetta Moran, RAPAR

“Thank you Rhetta for all the support you have given and that you will continue to render, the past couple of weeks have been was a very sad and stressful day. The pain still remains of all the guys that went last night, I pray and hope that this will not happen to any family again. I can imagine how I would have coped without the support that I received, this has been an eye opener, I want thank you all for your unwavering support. This status will continue to be the driving force to help others out there. Your prayers that you gave relentlessly will continue to inspire and put a smile on others life as it has done to me. The battle is not over. People are still living in fear and we as a family here we have the responsibility. Prayer worriers continue to spread the love of God, your faith has made me stronger over this process. Surely God does miracles. Let’s keep firing the cylinders. Thank you all.

Enabling nurse Daisy will continue to remain open, working as a source of support for others” Daisy

STOP PRESS:– WE ARE WORKING WITH DAISY TO HELP HER TO STOP MOSES’ DEPORTATION  – if you can help us ENABLING NURSE DAISY please email info@statusnow4all.org OR TEXT a message to +44 7466 428635

Please also see our post here: https://statusnow4all.org/secret-deal-to-remove-zimbabweans-from-uk/

Updated 21 July 2021: ROHR ZIMBABWE@ROHRZimbabweorg: Mr Moses Chikwekwete Mbano is a family man with wife and 3 children and he has been in the UK since 2002. Moses is going to be deported today 21/07/202. We are calling upon the UK government not to separate families @IMdcuk @zapu @RefugeeAction @ChiOnwurah @rapar @ZHRO_Zimbabwe


“For the Home Office to feel the need to separate my family, who are working together to save lives, it’s an act of cruelty that makes no sense.”

Front Line Nurse, Daisy, mother of three, living in Newcastle, whose partner Moses is scheduled to be deported to Zimbabwe on 21st July

My name is Daisy Motlogwa.  I am a Nurse who lives in Newcastle with my partner Moses and our three surviving children aged 11 and 16 (twins). I met Moses in June 2009 when we were both asylum seekers with no leave to remain. At that time my twins from my previous relationship, a boy and a girl, were just about to turn four.   

Moses had fled Zimbabwe in January 2002 after suffering endless beatings and death threats at the hands of ZANU PF for supporting, and being a member of, the opposition MDC party.  He received his first refusal from the Home Office in 2009, but in July 2010 we were blessed with our first son together and, in the same month, I was granted Leave to Remain. Moses encouraged me to go back to education which I did.  In 2012 we had our second girl, Adiella.  She passed away in July 2013 July at 17 months old: the most painful moment.

As a family, we have strived to build a positive future for our children.   Moses has been denied to right to work or access to any State benefits in the UK but this has never stopped us from supporting each other so that our children may grow up in a safe environment.  Moses’ role in our family is massive. While I worked and completed my education, Moses took our children to school and picked them up, attending to all their needs as well as maintaining a stable lifestyle for all of us. Moses plays a massive part not only in our family but within the community of Newcastle: an active helper school for trips out, he is also a trusted Church Pastor in Newcastle.

I spent 6 years in education while he was taking care of the kids and, today, I am a qualified nurse, able to serve in the front line because of Moses’s dedication to our family and his community.  

On 10th April 2019, Moses went Middlesborough reporting centre. He had received a letter saying an appointment was made for a 12.45 interview to update his file at 12.45pm. Upon arrival he went through the security checks and before he could sit down, a female immigration officer in uniform demanded to take his photograph and then he was called into a room where an African man told him “It’s just updating”.  He refused to tell Moses what he wanted information for: his children’s names, his fathers’ names, where he went to school.  When he finished the interviewer put the form in a plastic folder together with the pictures taken earlier and then he said ‘No, the journey has been completed… I work for the Zimbabwean embassy and we are taking all asylum seekers back home but, as a tip get the lawyers very quickly, because you will go very soon. All failed asylum seekers – with or without children – it does not matter.’ He spoke using Moses home language (Shona). Moses couldn’t sleep when he came home.  Even though his family have the legal right to stay here in England. Moses imagined how terrible it would be to be taken back into a country with so much human rights abuses carried out by the Zimbabwean government and to not be able to put flowers and clean the resting place of his daughterr who died.  This event was reported and logged with our local MP, Chi Onwurah.

Because of Moses’ experience in the Reporting centre, I believe anyone returned to Zimbabwe will be in a massive danger.  As a front-line worker, I have been working throughout the pandemic over the past year. In early August 2020, when I caught COVID-19, it was a tough time: living with young kids in the house.  Moses made sure the children stayed safe and that I was well hydrated until I was well enough to return to work.

On 7th July 2021, our twin’s birthday, he went to his weekly sign as usual at the police station.  They phoned me to tell me that Moses had been detained.  No child should have to go through such trauma to be separated from their parents, for the benefit of what?  This action risks tearing us apart and destroying my children’s well-being: to see them cry themselves to sleep is the hardest thing that a mother can ever go through.  

For the Home Office to try to separate my family who are working together to save lives is an act of cruelty that makes no constructive sense and must be stopped.  Every family must be allowed to be the family they are.  As a health worker, I must be enabled to do my job to the best of my ability, not be confronted with this abuse and distress and trauma and expected to keep on working, keep on raising my children safety, while my man is threatened with this great danger.

MESSAGE FROM STATAUS NOW NETWORK – WE ARE WORKING WITH DAISY TO HELP HER TO STOP MOSES’ DEPORTATION  – if you can help us ENABLING NURSE DAISY please email info@statusnow4all.org OR TEXT a message to +44 7466 428635

See also: Secret deal to remove Zimbabweans from UK https://statusnow4all.org/secret-deal-to-remove-zimbabweans-from-uk/

Regularisation of undocumented migrants will save lives and livelihoods – 19 July 2021 protest https://statusnow4all.org/regularisation-of-undocumented-migrants-will-save-lives-and-livelihoods/