Status Now Network‘s campaign is gaining traction. Organisations continue to join – most recently, we welcome Right to Remain – and our campaign now includes organisations and groups representing faith communities, migration academics, public service workers, activists in Northern Ireland, and community organisations in Scotland.
We are winning: we will render the hostile environment friendly, and we ask you to continue supporting our actions until we achieve our goal: Indefinite Leave to Remain for all undocumented migrants and those in the legal process.
Join StatusNow4All! Successful Status Now 4 All Summit last March.
Status Now 4 All offered analysis and updates to signatories and their friends and supporters of the campaign for the UK Government to grant Indefinite Leave to Remain to all undocumented migrants and those in the legal process living in the UK and the Republic of Ireland
Status Now has Regional Working Groups based in London, The Midlands and the North West, a National Working Group developing in Scotland and several Thematic Working Groups about housing, public health, workers’ rights and protection, and Faith (READ Status Now Network’s Faith Communities Calling Card explaining our call for Indefinite Leave to Remain here).
These Working Groups are composed of representatives from signatory organisations, and all groups are driven by the needs and visions of migrants with lived experience both within and outside of the immigration system
Visit the Status Now 4 all website to join us and become part of the campaign for #StatusNow4All.
Last Thursday (13th May) action by the neighbourhood around Kenmure Street in Glasgow stopped Home Office Immigration Officer and Police from detaining two vulnerable migrants, demonstrating how people power can undercut the hostile environment. This in the face of a deepening Home Office hostility towards migrants during COVID-19: continuing deportations and dawn raids, preventing vulnerable migrants from accessing public health services and applying No Recourse to Public Funds policies that push migrants into destitution. “The changes would have harmful effects on both men and women. In this letter, we highlight the impact on women, as these experiences are too often unheard.” The UK Government’s New Plan for Immigration runs counter to our values of fairness and protection of the most vulnerable members of our communities. Several organisations, interest groups, politicians, and community leaders raised the alarm to this latest threat to the lives of undocumented migrants and those in the legal process living in the UK during the pandemic. StatusNow4All joins these groups in critically engaging this new plan for immigration. READ the entire article here. “Currently people on Section 4 don’t have to agree to leave the UK in order to get support, but the Home Office started giving some of these people notices to leave and the case went to Court.” Eviction and raids continued amidst the pandemic. Community organisations and activists expose these attacks upon vulnerable migrants during this global health crisis. READ the entire article here. Care4Calais: ‘This verdict is a victory for justice. A person who drives a small boat across the Channel may simply be a desperate refugee with no money to pay a smuggler. Treating them as a criminal is scapegoating that avoids the real issues that should be addressed. This case will have implications for both future prosecutions and past convictions, potentially making it possible for those already serving sentences to now appeal.’ READ the entire article here. Attacks stimulated by the hostile environment and the growth in racist abuse being directed towards Southeast and East Asian migrants during the pandemic must be exposed. Racist abuse of Asian healthcare workers is reportedly on the rise as they risk their lives in the fight against COVID. READ here. From Mariko Hayashi, Director of SN4All signatory organisation Southeast and East Asian Centre (SEEAC): “The UK is one of the major destinations of victims of human trafficking from Vietnam, which was the third most common nationality of all referrals to the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) as potential victims in 2020. The figures show that between 2018 and 2020, in only three years, 2,242 Vietnamese people have been identified as potential victims of human trafficking. I am very concerned that some of the individuals removed from the UK without proper due process could have been victims of human trafficking. The hostile environment policies and border securitisation, which often criminalise migrants who are vulnerable to exploitation, perpetuate the violation of human rights and even put these migrants at risk of being re-trafficked.” READ the artile Enforced Removals to Vietnam Risks Re-trafficking here. “The UK Government’s ‘hostile environment’ policies marked a significant reduction in human rights protections in the UK, and inflicted lasting damage on those affected by them, receiving widespread criticism. Recent changes to reduce the use of immigration detention are welcome, but the UK Government continues to detain a significant number of people and there is still no limit on how long someone can be detained. The coronavirus pandemic has highlighted concerns about conditions in immigration removal centres, prompting important new measures, although it is not yet clear whether these will be retained as restrictions ease.” READ the entire article here. StatusNow4All welcomes the recent European report on Statelessness and Health. Read the report here. Two of its authors are Public Health academics based at Liverpool John Moores University who are now leading SNN’s Public Health Working Group. StatusNow4All also welcomes EDM #7, tabled on 11th May 2021 for the 2021-22 parliamentary session and calling for the regularisation of undocumented migrants. We take this opportunity to also extend our thanks to the coalition of MPs who tabled and supported the historic Early Day Motion 1442 ( tabled on 3 February 2021: Undocumented migrants and covid-19 vaccination. Read more here Status Now Network has emerging regional networks in London, the Midlands, the North West of England, and Scotland. Please visit our website at Status Now 4 All – ‘Indefinite Leave To Remain’ for people who are undocumented, destitute, and those in the legal process #HealthAndSafetyForAll for further information and how to join us if you haven’t already. Thank you. Copyright © 2021 StatusNow4All / All rights reserved. Our mailing address is: |