Status Now 4 All salutes the courage of the Napier Barrack residents

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In response to day’s article in the Guardian: Asylum seekers in Napier barracks ‘face blacklist threat for speaking out’: Residents in the Home Office facility claim they have been told their applications will be ‘impaired’ if they talk to the media

Through our network Status Now knows that people have been threatened with this kind of implicit and explicit bullying and harassment for years: the idea that you will cease to be political as an unwritten condition of claiming asylum is a fundamental violation of our right to be human. Status Now 4 All salutes the courage of the Napier Barrack residents who, like so many others who are rising and organising to end the Hostile Environment and realise their safety and that of their families, demonstrate the truth that it is necessary to create solidarity and confront the bully – whoever they are. ENDS

Read a series of reports here: